Boeing 747

Informative Website - Boeing 747

Boeing 747 is a very big airplane but it is not the biggest. The Antonov 225 Lorem ipsum, dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Laboriosam, voluptate harum corrupti dicta fugit expedita vitae ratione hic consequatur illo officia, magni sequi! Nostrum sapiente voluptas praesentium amet ratione repellat. Possimus molestiae, adipisci nam excepturi in dolor explicabo minus provident debitis reiciendis, et quo voluptas qui repellendus eaque consequuntur soluta eum incidunt necessitatibus nemo temporibus? Maiores corrupti nobis porro ipsum earum, alias odit tempora rerum error eius est vitae id laboriosam tenetur quibusdam quisquam iste in eaque illum. Fugiat similique nulla obcaecati eius nesciunt consequuntur soluta ex deserunt repellat inventore ipsam provident cumque, dolorum laudantium rem fugit, ad iste! Consequatur!

Simple ul and li tags

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Simple ol and li tags

  1. More seats/More Capacity and therefore economial for airlines
  2. Two decks -
  3. Four engines - Extra safety
  4. Alleviates pressure on busy airports by carrying more passengers
  5. Excellent safety records - trusted by passengers and airlines all over the world

ul with nested li tags

ol with nested li tags

  1. More seats/More Capacity and therefore economial for airlines
  2. Two decks -
  3. Two decks -
    1. Two decks -
    2. Two decks -
  4. Four engines - Extra safety
  5. Alleviates pressure on busy airports by carrying more passengers
  6. Excellent safety records - trusted by passengers and airlines all over the world

Use of custom designed image with li tags

Use of custom designed image with li tags